Parent/Carer Workshops
KOOTH July Newsletter
KOOT is available for students all through the summer
Elevate: Parent Support Webinars
Online sessions to equip parents with strategies to support their child with study skills at home
21 January Helping your child improve their note taking
4 February Making technology an ally (& not the enemy)
11 March Helping your child prepare for exams
25 March Supporting your child during exams
6 May Ask me anything (Live Q&A)
20 May Helping improve your child’s memory
17 June Helping your child alleviate stress
1 July Getting (and keeping) your child motivated
15 July Setting up for success
Parents Connected
NHS Foundation Trust Workshop Programme
The Psychology in Schools Team run a program of parent workshops throughout the year to provide up to date advice and guidance on how parents and carers can support the young people in their life. All the workshops are recorded for you to watch at any time.
Understanding Self-Harm in Children/Adolescents Tuesday 21 January 1:00pm
Supporting Your Child to Manage Their Big Feelings Wednesday 22 January 12:00pm
Parenting the Anxious Adolescent – Part 1 Thursday 30 January 6:00pm
Parenting the Anxious Adolescent – Part 2 Thursday 6 February 6:00pm
Supporting Your Child/Adolescent with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Thursday 27 February 1:00pm
Supporting Your Child to Manage Their Big Feelings Monday 24 March 12:00pm
Building Understanding and Supporting Your Child With Tourette’s Symptoms/TICSTuesday 25 March 12:00pm
Online Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Workshop
Everyone has arguments from time to time, they are a normal part of family life and relationships. Children who are around adults who shout loudly, argue a lot or ignore each other often, don’t see and learn how to resolve conflict in a healthy way. A stable family environment (whether parents and carers are together or not) is key to delivering the best outcomes for children and young people. As part of Suffolk County Council (SCC) strategy to reduce parental conflict, Suffolk parents are now able to access free digital resources to help support and improve communication within their relationship.
Monday 11th November 2024 3:45 – 4:30pm
Wednesday 4th December 2024 3:45 – 4:30pm
Teamwork is key when parents disagree
Parenting arguments are common at times. It is how parents work as a team to handle this parental conflict that matters.
Arguing better online course is designed for parents who want to learn healthy ways to deal with stress and conflict.
SENDIASS sessions for Parents and Carers
Booking is open for an online session, hosted by SENDIASS where specialist teachers from the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Service will explore ways to help children and young people to understand and manage their feelings, and strategies school may use.
Accreditations & Memberships