Be Generous
Why is this important?
- Helping others has as many benefits to the giver as to the receiver. Helping others can be beneficial to us when we have our own struggles.
- Random (and planned) acts of kindness help our self-worth.
- Giving someone your time, is just (if not more) valuable than a material gift.
- Participation in our communities helps us to feel better – school is an ideal place to create these opportunities.
- Individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.
- Practical Strategies
- How have you helped someone this week? This might just have been being there for them.
- What could you do at home that would help someone?
- What could you do/get involved in at school/outside school that would help others? (council, charity, neighbours)
- Could you make someone something (cooking, crafts etc)?
- Research into actions for promoting happiness has shown that committing an act of kindness once a week over a six-week period is associated with an increase in wellbeing.
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