
In Year 12 you will study Communist states in the twentieth century. Communism was one of the most significant ideologies of the twentieth century. You will learn about:
• Russia, 1917–91: from Lenin to Yeltsin (Paper 1)
• Mao’s China, 1949 – 76 (Paper 2)

In Year 13 the examined unit will be on:
• Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399–1509 (Paper 3)

You will study the dramatic developments in late medieval England that centred around the personalities and political skills of a series of kings, queens and their powerful subjects.

As well as these examined units you will complete a piece of coursework. You will carry out an independent investigation into a particular historical event that is open to a range of interpretations. The event that you will focus on will be the causes of the First World War.

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