Parents Kesgrave High School’s parents information page is regularly updated with all you need to know if you have a child attending the school.
Main School Find out everything about our main school including our values, subjects, house point system and download our prospectus.
Sixth Form Find out everything about our 6th Form including our facilities, subjects, admission system and download the prospectus.
Well-being All you need to know about our 6 Strands to Well-being: Be Connected. Be Energised. Be Positive. Be Here. Be Open. Be Generous.
Teacher Training EAST SCITT has been formed and is run by a partnership of schools in Suffolk committed to excellence in the classroom. Established by three schools all judged at Outstanding or Good by OFSTED, we see EAST SCITT as the most effective way to find and develop future teachers to work in this vibrant county.
Staff Vacancies Come and join our team – Excellent facilities, wonderful students, brilliant conditions of service and truly supportive colleagues.
Sixth Form Find out everything about our 6th Form including our facilities, subjects, admission system and download the prospectus.
Main School Find out everything about our main school including our values, subjects, house point system and download our prospectus.
Design and Technology TextilesFashion and Textiles requires students to engage in both practical and theoretical study. This specification requires students to cover design and technology skills and knowledge; technical principles, designing and making principles.“>USEFUL DOCUMENTS:
Accreditations & Memberships