Pupils receive a good education at this popular school at the heart of its community. There is a culture of high aspirations for all.
Pupils and students are well cared for by staff, who know them well. Older pupils and students relish the opportunities to support younger pupils.
Students produce work they are proud of. Pupils learn how to respect and celebrate difference.
Teachers undertake educational research; as a result, teachers know what strategies to use to help pupils and learn best.
Pupils speak of positive relationships with staff, who they trust to keep them safe and care for them.
Pupils build a detailed knowledge of the subjects they study. Teachers are knowledgeable about their subjects and sequence learning well.
There are forensic assessment processes across the key stages. Feedback is timely and meaningful for students.
The breadth of curriculum offered at Key Stage 4 and in the Sixth Form allows students to take a bespoke array of studies, best suited to their future pathways.
The management of behaviour is strong. Poor behaviour is quickly addressed and disruption to learning is rare.
The school culture is embedded from day one, when students join in Year 7.
There is a wide range of CPD opportunities to ensure that staff at all stages of their professional career are catered for and developed. This includes succession planning and leadership training opportunities.
Students feel safe in school. They trust staff to help them if they need it.
Leaders have made changes to strengthen the curriculum and are driving further improvements. Leaders at all levels drive initiatives to improve the school further.
Many pupils choose to stay on at school and join the sixth form. The key stage 5 curriculum offer is broad, having been designed around the needs, interests and ambitions of the students. Students benefit from this curriculum offer.
A focused support programme helps pupils gain the skills and knowledge needed to be confident, fluent readers.
There is a clear, underlying educational, pedagogical approach. Learning is well-sequenced and skilfully developed from KS3 to 4 and then into KS5.
There are well-established lesson routines, which ensure a calm and orderly learning environment and automaticity which enables learning.
PSHEE is clearly planned and well-sequenced - the spiral nature of this means themes are developed at age-appropriate points and then reviewed (From Year 7 to Year 12)
Students say that important things are talked about: "the big three" - homophobia, racism and sexism are all openly addressed.
There is a proportionate and proactive, stepped approach to behaviour - rewards are integral to this.
School self-evaluation is robust, quality assurance processes are detailed and fulsome.
Staff here know children very well and are committed to doing the very best for them.
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