Support and Advice
As a school we know just how important wellbeing is to our young people. Being happy and healthy are essential ingredients to ensuring they are able to take positive steps towards Being Positive, Being Respectful and Being Their Best.
Our staff are committed to providing first class pastoral care and have the skills to be able support our young people through challenging times. We work closely with students and families to ensure a layer of support can be wrapped around the child at times when most needed.
Equally we know that signposting students and families to outside agencies can make a positive impact too. As a parent/carer knowing where to go, who to turn to when times are tough can be confusing. Hopefully our carefully constructed A-Z directory will provide you with a place from which to start. All of these services have been tried and tested and will go some way to help your child back on the road to recovery.
If in doubt please do not hesitate to contact us at the school for further advice and guidance.
Click on the links below
Anglia Care Trust
ACT exist to encourage people to achieve their full potential, whatever their circumstances, by providing a range of high-quality advice, guidance and support services, delivered by skilled and knowledgeable personnel.
National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society supports the parents and carers of children who have a confirmed diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.
Dad Info
Information on pregnancy, birth and babies; work, money and law; relationships, parenting and separation from a fathers’ perspective.
Footsteps Walking With You
Footsteps Walking With You provide face to face counselling for young people aged 11 – 25 and their families.
Just 42
Just42 is the only open access youth provider in 200 square miles of rural Suffolk.
Domestic Abuse
Lighthouse (Domestic Abuse)
Lighthouse (formerly Ipswich Women’s Aid) provides a 24-hour helpline (answer phone may operate at times). Advice, support and/or temporary accommodation for women (and their children) experiencing abuse in their personal or family relationships.
Tel. No: 01473 745111
Family Lives
Parenting and family support
Telephone helpline: 0808 800 2222
Fatherhood Information Centre
National Information Centre on fatherhood
Mental Health
Young Minds
A UK charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
Mental Health
Young Minds Matter (pdf)
Suffolk MIND
Suffolk Mind’s support includes a wide range of courses, training and therapeutic services which can enable you to better understand mental wellbeing and how you can help improve or maintain your own.
Nature and Nurture Therapeutic Services
The ‘Nature of Grief’ supports children and young adults 4-25yrs old in Suffolk and 18-25yr olds in Norfolk.
Neurodivergent Abilities
Neurodivergent Abilities offers bespoke support that provides neurodivergent individuals with strategies, and the knowledge and skills needed to thrive. We help neurotypical individuals understand how they can better support and include neurodivergent individuals.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Telephone: 0800 800 5000
Outreach Youth
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer or Questioning young people through safe, welcoming and non-judgemental LGBT*Q+ youth groups.
Parent Info
Advice on a wide range of issues including digital, sex and relationships, health and well-being, family life and education.
Papyrus UK
PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
The Relationship People
Advice on family life and parenting.
SPEAK contributes to inclusive cities where everyone feels at home and where diversity is championed.
Student Life
Student Life’s mission is to advance the education, skills and quality of life of young people through access to workshops, mental health training, work experience opportunities and also via information delivered through our magazine and mental health films.
Suffolk Family Carers
Help with information, support and advocacy.
Suffolk SENDIASS provide free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people, parents and carers.
Teenage Mental Health
Teenage Mental Health are here to help both you and your child, we understand the toll poor mental health can take on young people and those caring for them.
Terrence Higgins Trust
The UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity.
Confidential, specialist support for young people (13+) in Suffolk who are or have experienced any form of sexual abuse or sexual violence.
Wellbeing Suffolk
Wellbeing Suffolk offer help and support to improve wellbeing and manage stress, low mood and anxiety. We aim to reduce the onset of mental ill health, prevent deterioration and promote recovery by offering a range of flexible services tailored to meet your specific needs.
4YP works with 7-25 year-olds at our Ipswich town centre hub, in schools and out in the community.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Ipswich and District Citizens Advice Bureau information, advice and advocacy service. Offering specialist help in the areas of Debt, Employment and Welfare Benefits.
Suffolk County Council – Children, Families and Learning
Provides information, advice and assistance for families, children and young people aged 0-19 years.
Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits
Information about Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits.
Community Services Directory
Community Services Directory with details of local clubs, activities, organisations and services.
School Nursing Service
Health support offered to parents and children aged 5-19 (up to 25 for SEND)
Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Borough Council website
Public Services Information
A wide range of public services information.
Kesgrave Town Council
Kesgrave Town Council website
Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council website
Suffolk Families
The Suffolk Family Information Service (FIS) offers free impartial advice about childcare and other services that support parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years, and up to 25 years for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
Cohere Arts
Seated yoga is an accessible activity suitable for people living with a range of mobility and/or health challenges.
Fit Fusion
Fitness training
Snap Fitness Gym
Snap Fitness Gym website.
Accreditations & Memberships