Curriculum: Remote Learning

Information for Parents and Carers in the event of Remote Learning needs for all, or a cohort of students

What work will my child get if isolating as a result of a positive COVID test?

If students are unwell, they should rest and recuperate. Teachers will be informed daily of those students absent due to a positive test. They will set work for their lesson on that day on Firefly, posting this as a task for the students who are absent. They should complete the work set if they feel well enough. Teachers will check this work on their return to school.

What will the structure of home learning look like?

Each day students will have their three timetabled lessons (the student timetable can be accessed via Firefly). Hence the lesson timings are:

Lesson 1: 9.30 – 11.00
Lesson 2: 11.30 – 13:00
Lesson 3: 13:40 – 15:10

Each “home lesson” set by the teachers is designed to be completed in the lesson time. Teachers will be available during the lesson window to answer any queries that they have. This means that if students tackle the work in this time window and have any issues, they will be able to get support with their work. Staff will set clear tasks that students have to hand in. This might be through electronic forms or by sending work by Firefly. Through this we will monitor student engagement, continue to assess their learning and provide feedback.

This expectation will be the case for all students in all year groups.

If the period of remote learning persists, consideration will be given as to how PSHEE will be built into learning.

If students are working from home, when would remote learning start?

It would be put in place immediately. The structure and expectation of student engagement and teacher availability described herewith would be immediate.

What will students be learning?

In the event of the need for remote learning the planned school curriculum will continue to be followed. Where units of work, such as practical learning or modules that would present greater learning challenges remotely, the order of the curriculum will be adapted so that progress can be maintained whilst students are working from home. This will be planned across departments and not the responsibility of individual teachers, so that full coverage of the curriculum can be maintained in the longer term.

How will we explain to students what they need to do each lesson?

In each lesson there will be clear instructions that will include:

Live element
Will there be a live element and if so how and when should I join?
Aim of the lesson
What is the learning focus?
What should I have learnt, understood or consolidated in this lesson?
Lesson structure
What tasks do I need to do and in what order?
If you are finding this lesson hard, what should I look at or how do I get help?
Greater challenge
To stretch on further, if I have managed the main tasks, what extension can I do.
What do I need to submit at the end of the lesson and how?

Where will students access the work?

Students should look at the work set and the instructions for this in Firefly. They should then access their teaching group in Teams to chat live with their teacher.

How will students get help with their work?

The teachers will set work using the familiar environment of Firefly, this will be supplemented with MS Teams in order to provide live “chat” with teachers, during the lesson time. This live chat will provide students with immediate feedback and support, allowing them to access work at the time of the lesson and hopefully lessen frustration and demotivation at home. If remote learning persists for a longer time period we will also use this medium for virtual components such as live lessons, video content and other forms of online working.

Virtual Lessons – Student Guidance

Access and Equipment:
If you are using a PC/Laptop you will need to check if you have inbuilt speakers, microphone etc. If you do not have these then you can attach a webcam and use headsets that incorporate headphones and microphones.

You can use a mobile or tablet which will include all of these. Microsoft Teams can be accessed via a web browser or an app. You do not need to download any software but if you are using a device such as a tablet you may find the app easier.

Types of meetings:
Meetings will be set up using Teams for some of your lessons in order to support your learning. Not every lesson with have a virtual element. Some may expect completion of a task or have a video recording to watch and instruct learning.

While working from home you will be expected to stick to your timetable for your lessons as much as possible. Teachers may deliver live lessons at the time of your normal lesson. In all of the timetabled lesson times the teacher will be available via the Teams live chat. This means that if you stick to doing the work on your normal timetable you can get help at this time.

Live delivery of lessons might include:

  • Introduction of a topic to get you started
  • Go through a difficult topic
  • Feedback on coursework/piece of work
  • Hold a ‘clinic’ for students that are struggling

If you cannot attend a scheduled meeting students should let your teacher know in advance of the start of the lesson.

What if there are barriers to learning from lack of technology in the home?

We know that working from home in this way will present some challenges and some families may not have the resources needed to support your daughter or son. In the previous lockdown we collected information from you and then shared resources to give you the best possible support at home. We assume that those students who were given devices still have this access. If your circumstances have changed, or indeed you are new to us in Year 7 or 12 and need support please do contact us. We have a limited pool of technology but want to help every student where we can to have the appropriate technology at home.

What will happen if students do not complete set work?

We will be expecting all students to complete work that is set, in order to sustain their progression. Students who do not complete set tasks will be followed up and there may be an expectation that those students are expected to attend school follow this.

There will be a tracking system completed by teachers on at least a weekly basis. This will record engagement. Pastoral team will have oversight of this and students who are not engaging will be followed up.

How will we continue to assess students and provide feedback?

Departments will continue to assess student learning. Output tasks for lessons will be made clear and students will receive feedback on the work that they submit. There will be a combination of personalised and whole class feedback.

Adaptations may be made to more synoptic assessments to make these valuable to students and manageable with regard to teacher workload. Students will be asked to submit work through mediums which make ease of entry, but which also allow student feedback.

Mock Examinations will continue where possible. This will include sending paper copies of assessment home to Sixth Form students to replicate the examination environment as much as possible.

We will continue to report to parents through our assessment calendar. This will include Attainment and Commitment to Learning. We will continue to run scheduled Parents’ Evenings through a virtual environment to share feedback at regular intervals with parents and carers.

How will we keep everyone safe?

We want to remind students of the importance of our conduct in this new learning environment. Hence, we ask that you share the following with your daughter or son:

Student rules for use:

    • I am responsible for my behaviour and actions when using this technology.
    • I understand that normal school rules apply in the online learning environment and that any inappropriate behaviour/comments will be reported by my teacher
    • I understand that all meetings broadcast through teams will be recorded by the teacher and retained by the school. This includes all audio and text communications.
    • I will follow the rules regarding video and microphone usage:

Video and microphone switched off at the start of the virtual lesson
Switch on video and microphone as directed by the teachers, as long as I feel comfortable doing so
If I choose not to switch on my microphone I should ask/answer questions via the meeting chat

  • I will not screenshot or in any other way record any online meetings.
  • I will not post any meeting or associated resources to any third-party platform or social media environment.

How will remote learning work for vulnerable and critical worker students attending school?

For those students who have been identified to access in school support, the lesson structure will be the same as for those working from home. Students will access this support from the Learning Support Area (or if greater numbers, also other areas of the school with computer provision). Support will be given by our learning support team, as students access this work in the same manner as those working remotely.  These students should attend in school uniform, arriving at 9.15 and will leave at 3.10. Free School Meals will be provided for those students who receive this support, other students should bring packed lunch as normal. There will be no wider catering facilities.

What further support will we give to students with additional needs?

The Learning Support Team will assign a “virtual learning support mentor” to students with EHCP and significant learning needs. These staff will be assigned to the classes of a handful of students. They will be present in their learning during lesson time and students will be encouraged to communicate with them directly through the Teams environment. This mentor will also contact students for a phone call or virtual face-to-face meet weekly to give full support for students in their learning and to allow them, or their parents/carers, to talk through any issues.

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