White Ribbon Day and Sixth Form Taster

December 5, 2021 11:20 am

As part of the national White Ribbon campaign  student across all year groups made a pledge to end violence to towards women. Students considered the specific pledge of the campaign to end men’s violence against women and girls, but they considered this is the contact of tolerance and understanding for all groups and individuals in society. Displays around the school captured the strength of feeling from students on all aspects of diversity.

It was wonderful to see so many external students at our Sixth Form taster day on Friday last week. Alongside our Year 11 students, they experienced three taster A Level or BTEC lessons in subjects that they are considering studying. After the rigours of the Mock Examinations, this was a great chance to focus on that next step. With so much to chose from many students used the day to explore their “not quite sure” options. Students not considering Sixth Form also had a productive day, completing applications to college after hearing a number of workshops on Apprenticeships and other vocational pathways from our dedicated Careers, Advice and Guidance Officer, Mrs Williamson.

This week we hope the weather is kind as Year 11 Geography students embark on some fieldwork studies, looking at the regeneration of Ipswich marina and docks. Fingers crossed!


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