Joining our Sixth Form and Prefect and Peer Mentor nominations
April 19, 2021 8:32 amAs we returned to school last week for the start of the summer term, the rhythm of school life seems to have settled back into its pattern quickly and smoothly. The summer sun (though not yet temperature) seems has put a smile on all our faces and there seems a lightness of heart and hope that is gradually returning to us all.
Last week we interviewed potential external candidates who wish to join our Sixth Form. It was a delight to meet students who have had such a disrupted last two years, talk with focus and energy about their future pathways and chosen studies. Students were enthusiastic about the opportunity to get started with our Year 12 two-week induction in July. In these two weeks students will start their programme of study, with lessons with teachers that they will have in September, alongside some activities which bridge the gap between Level 2 and Level 3 study, as well as help them get to know their peers. If you are interested in joining our Sixth Form please do look at the materials about what we offer on our website or contact us at
Year 9 and 10 students are making their applications for roles of responsibility across the school. This year we have widened the pool of Peer Mentors to students in Year 9, knowing that they are very capable of working with students in Year 7, helping them to transition to High School. Our Year 10 students are expressing interest in this and the role of Prefect in their droves, reminding us what a responsible and mature year group they are.
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