Connecting and progressing
January 29, 2024 9:58 pmIn the month ahead we will be busy with the rhythms of school life. We work hard to connect to our parents and carers and make sure that as students progress through the school that we have key opportunities to meet and share strategies.
Before half-term, almost every year group has something in the diary:
We are looking forward to meeting our Year 7 parents and carers for their first Parents’ Evening since their child joined us on Thursday 1 February.
On the same night is the second of our Sixth Form Interview evenings. Students surpassed themselves on the first evening, preparing thoroughly for the interview and talking with enthusiasm about what they want to study with us.
Year 9 students are busy in their fortnight of assessments, which will inform their choices for the Key Stage 4 Options process.
Year 11 are busy, as the revision sessions increase and opportunities for them to connect their learning over the course of the past two years really kick in.
This and of course much excitement for the musical production, School of Rock.
We look forward to connecting with you in the weeks ahead.
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