Information evenings, joining our Sixth Form and Student Leadership
September 27, 2020 1:32 pmWell, the weather has turned and with it the need for our students to remain indoors over break and lunchtime. With the heavy rain on Friday this was necessary, but wherever possible we will send students outside to get fresh air. This is driven by the COVID practices that we have implemented but is also proven to be of value to their well-being.
The start of term sees a range of evening events with students, parents and carers. These are to inform and to get students’ thinking about next steps (scary I know when they have only just returned). Last week we shared our Year 7 and Year 12 Introduction Evenings with parents and carers. Also last week, Year 11 had an assembly from Mrs Wheatley thinking about their post-16 choices. See our introduction video here This will be followed this week by our Sixth Form prospectus and more subject-based virtual information in the month ahead. These will all be available on the Sixth Form page of our website in due course.
This week we will be communicating with Year 6 parents and carers to share our philosophy and information with regard to joining our Year 7 in September 2021. Watch this space for more information.
Finally, last week I was delighted to congratulate our new student leadership team. Students in Year 11 were selected as Peer Mentors, Prefects, Senior Prefects and Head Boy/Girl and Deputies for the empathy and sense of responsibility that they have shown in their time at Kesgrave High School. These students will carry our duties across the school, with peers and younger students and act as role models for everything we expect of our students. Well done to them all.
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